Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Day!

My photo today is of Obama's Inauguration - well a picture of my computer showing the massive event. We tried to watch the live video feed from work today, but had no luck likely due to the number of people trying to do the exact same thing around the world. We ended up gathering around my phone to hear the introductions, swearing in and speeches - thanks Brian for holding your cell phone up to the TV at home so we could all share in the experience. We witnessed history in the making today... one of those days that when someone asks you where you were or what you were doing during Obama's Inauguration 10 years from now, you'll remember exactly. Just like you likely remember exactly what you were doing when you found out about Princess Diana's death or the tragedies of 9/11. This day, however, is one filled with much hope for the future of America. Obama, all eyes are on you, and much hope rests on you for positive change in our world!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Purple Ipod and Indie music

My photo for Day 13 ...
Jen... my coworker, my lunch buddy, my friend. Here she is posing with her new purple Ipod which I think she is possibly in love with.... LOL! Watch out Mr. Sophiscated aka Scott, this Ipod may be taking your place.
All kidding aside, Jen is very much into music and in particular to the local indie scene. She is constantly spreading the word on the latest concert in TO, featuring her favourite indie bands. Jen, your enthuasism and passion for indie music is admirable and I'm sure a photo or two from a concert I attend because of you will show up later during Project 365.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Am I really starting a blog?

So I've been bugging a friend at work to design a blog for me, but he's been a little slow on the uptake. To be honest, I'm not too sure what goes into designing the blog itself, I was just hoping I could add some uniqueness to mine, but this plain version will have to do for now. (Joseph, if you're reading this, can we jazz this up now?)

I've been thinking of starting a blog for a couple of months now, for a variety of reasons, but now I've finally found a reason that actually makes some sense. I've decided to take on a new challenge for 2009 - Project 365, which bascially is a challenge to take one photograph a day for an entire year. If I can maintain this challenge, I think it will be great to look back at an entire year of photographs that represent my life... as exciting as it is on some days, and a little more mundune on other.

So what sparked my interest in this Project 365? For any other scrapbookers out there, you've probably heard of Becky Higgins (for non-scrapbookers she's a well-known scrapbooker artist). She recenlty released a kit through CK Media to challenge others to participate in this challenge to capture their life in a year through a picture a day. The kits were extremely popular and sold out in one morning - apparently it was a big fiasco and I didn't even come close to having the opportunity to purchase one, but needless to say I am going to participate in the challenge anyway and post many, if not all of my photos here on my brand new blog. Thank you Becky for the challenge!