Saturday, May 2, 2009

NSD at Two Scrapbook Friends

Thanks to all the ladies at Two Scrapbook Friends in Waterloo yesterday for a great crop! I think I burnt off all the calories from the Wok Wagon and the delicious pie by laughing so hard. So what if I wasn't totally productive the whole time - I had more fun chatting and laughing anyway?!?!?! It was great meeting and hanging out with all of you for the evening - especially all of my 'tablemates' at the 'loud' table.

I know we said what happens at the Friday night crop, stays at the Friday Night crop... but here are a few tidbits or quotes to jog your memory about all the laughs we had:
Air Supply's Tour bus
Eating pie & ice cream on Fat-Free Friday
'I like him just as a friend!'
Staring at the ceiling, counting to 50... or sometimes only to 27.
Michelle wins a prize... AGAIN! (apparently)

Oh and if the nice lady who won the pizza & pop crop is reading this - I still want to be your friend!

See you all on May 20th for Karan's class on Heidi Swapp's Invisibles!


none said...

Hey Sam! It was great meeting you yesterday! I had a great time too - and even got some layouts done... wuhoo! Hope to see you at 2SF again soon. :D


Lynn and Nicole said...

Hi Sam,
I had a great night last night as well. I still haven't recovered. I copied your picture onto my blog- I figured it was ok since I was in it-hope you don't mind- you can check me out at
Hope we can do that again- we do Sturdays at 2F's once a month if you and Victoria are interested in joining us.

none said...

... and Veronica is welcome too :)


Lynn and Nicole said...

I knew I would get the name wrong- whoops!

Veronica said...

What a fun NS Weekend! First the Friday night crop at 2SF, and all the laughing we did... and today at your house with the sour keys and my singing, which I know was your favourite part!!!

Veronica said...

oh and all the new friends we made!

Karan said...

hi was a pleasure meeting you, even though i was on the quiet side of the room, i was listening to some of the conversations and laughed, looking forward to seeing you again soon|!!

Kelly Codd Greatrex said...

Hi Sam!

Great to meet both you and Veronica (and the rest of the gals at the loud table)! I had a blast and can't wait for the 20th!

Lynn and Nicole said...

We are scrapping again at 2 friends on Saturday the 23rd if you guys want to join us.

Joanne said...

Hi Sam! Great photo and I am so glad that you girls enjoyed yourselves! You had us all in stitches. I hope you join us for another crop sometime soon.

Lori S. said...

Hi Sam. It was fabulous meeting you and Veronica on Friday night. I have to say that I don't think we've laughed so hard at any of our crops as we did Friday night. What great memories!! What sore facial muscles! Hope that you both are able to join us for future Saturday crops. Invitation is always open for you to stay at our home for an overnight! Look forward to meeting up again.
~ Lori ~

Lynn and Nicole said...

Sam- I tagged you on my blog- check it out!!