Monday, June 15, 2009


Summertime is so full of life and excitement. I think that's what I love about it. And as much as I love filling up my calendar with fun get-togethers, parties, and other social gatherings... I have to keep reminding myself to also set aside some time to relax and enjoy the weather!

This past week was filled with parties, movies and of course some scrapbooking - lol!

Went to a great card class at 2SF on Wednesday which was all about intricate cutting and stickles. I spent so much time cutting (okay, okay... I was chatting and laughing a lot too) that I didn't even get to the stickles until Saturday when I was back for a day of scrapping. Thanks to all the ladies on both Wednesday and Saturday that made the time so enjoyable! I even got to partake in the Father's Day card Make n' Take on Saturday - I feel so ahead of the game.

(New BFFs - Kelly and Veronica - LOL!)

Over the weekend I went to a Games/Birthday/Stanley Cup Final Party - although the objective of the party may have been confusing, we still had fun! And the birthday boy was so easygoing when I started a cake fight and got him really good in the face. He wiped a bunch of it off before I got to snap this photo, but you get the picture...

Saturday evening it was off to a Luau-themed wedding reception with frozen drinks, bright colours and even flowered leis as the couple recently got married in Hawaii. Good times, but sadly no pictures... I left my camera at home :(

The weekend wrapped up with a double feature at the cinema - I saw Up! in 3D (very cute and well done Pixar!) and The Hangover (humour geared towards 18-24 year old men, but completely funny if you're in mood for this type of movie).

Well I'm now off to work on my challenge for Scrapper's Island - got started on Saturday but still have some work to do, especially since I just missed on winning immunity tonight. Two mintues sooner and it would have been mine :)

1 comment:

Karan said...

you only missed by a minute or two., were so close...and glad you enjoyed the card class, so looking forward to scrapping with you for two whole days...woot weekend...